Part 2: The Prescribd Marketing Plan
Our Results: Oct 16, 2016 - May 15, 2017
  • Spent: $14,262.92
  • Impressions: 12,160,883 - $1.17 CPM
  •  Web Site: 204,609 Sessions (170,960 Unique) - $0.069 / session
  •  Free Sample Subscribers / Emails: 11,721 - $1.22 / email
  •  System Purchases: 1,304 - $10.94 / purchase
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Branding Campaign: Oct 16, 2016 - Dec 31, 2016
  • Spent: $6.1k ($4.5k to Influencer & $1.6k in Paid)
  • Impressions: 8,830,350 - $0.69 CPM
  •  Web Site: 35,694 Sessions (29,026 Unique) - $0.017 / session
  •  Free Sample Subscribers / Emails: 4,531 - $1.35 / email
  •  System Purchases: 414 - $14.73 / purchase
Conversion Campaign: Jan 1, 2017 - May 15, 2017
  • Spent: $8.2k ($7.8k to FB & $0.4k to IG)
  • Impressions: 3,330,533 - $2.46 CPM
  •  Web Site: 165,048 Sessions (139,894 Unique) - $0.049 / session
  •  Free Sample Subscribers / Emails: 7,190 - $1.14 / email
  •  System Purchases: 890 - $9.21 / purchase
Our initial marketing plan consisted of brand development through Influencer marketing (Facebook Live, Instagram Influencers) and supplementing with Paid Social Media (Facebook).  In December 2016, we decided to forego our Instagram Influencer strategy due to a lack of performance and an inability to accurately track and measure these results.  By mid-December 2016, our anchor Influencer decided to do other things (not unexpected due to my experience, see previous post), so we focused on paid traffic through Facebook as our primary acquisition channel and by January, we had stabilized a cold traffic generation system to the site.  Starting in late January, we spent most of our efforts on market, brand and offer development after determining that we had a offer conversion issue. While there are still improvements to be made on the marketing and traffic acquisition front, we ultimately determined that there was a fundamental issue with our offer so we never scaled up our traffic.  Since there is only so much lipstick that can be put on a pig, we decided to shut down paid traffic acquisition in early May so that we could focus on re-developing the core offer.
Marketing Tactics: Opportunities for Improvement
  • Funnel: We started learning about the concept of E-commerce funnels, Tripwire theory and the Value Ladder in late January and deployed 2 initial drafts.
  • Email: We did not implement email marketing until March 2017.  Implementing an auto-responder / drip sequence is a high priority for our relaunch
  •  YouTube: We also didn't realize the importance of YouTube for our particular market niche. This will be a critical part of our relaunch. 
  •  Facebook Group/Community: We did not get a Facebook Group / Community launched until May.  It is currently inactive.
Branding Campaign
Our branding campaign consisted of a series of weekly Facebook Live "Webinar" Events featuring our co-founder Kaeya Majmunder (the shark tank product "guru") and Social Influencer Jayla Wilson, a.k.a., LaLa Sizahands.  The initial concept was a mass-market approach emphasizing natural ingredients for skincare.
Branding Campaign: FB Live Performance Summary
Episode 1: 191,498 Reach & 37,476 Views
Episode 2: 182,954 Reach & 31,298 Views
Episode 3: 858,731 Reach & 105,222 Views
Episode 2: 
Episode 3: Double Standards
Episode 4: 557,148 Reach & 87,367 Views
Episode 5: 934,114 Reach & 190,033 Views
Episode 4: Phone Privacy
Episode 5: Do Good Men Exist?
Episode 6: 3,014,857 Reach & 319,711 Views
Episode 7: 489,170 Reach & 98,952 Views
Episode 6: Happy Post Thanksgiving!
Episode 7: Secrets to Healthy Skin
Branding Campaign: Influencer Posts Summary
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