Our initial marketing plan consisted of brand development through Influencer marketing (Facebook Live, Instagram Influencers) and supplementing with Paid Social Media (Facebook). In December 2016, we decided to forego our Instagram Influencer strategy due to a lack of performance and an inability to accurately track and measure these results. By mid-December 2016, our anchor Influencer decided to do other things (not unexpected due to my experience, see previous post), so we focused on paid traffic through Facebook as our primary acquisition channel and by January, we had stabilized a cold traffic generation system to the site. Starting in late January, we spent most of our efforts on market, brand and offer development after determining that we had a offer conversion issue. While there are still improvements to be made on the marketing and traffic acquisition front, we ultimately determined that there was a fundamental issue with our offer so we never scaled up our traffic. Since there is only so much lipstick that can be put on a pig, we decided to shut down paid traffic acquisition in early May so that we could focus on re-developing the core offer.