Part 6: Building the Tripwire Funnel
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To summarize from my previous post, the Tripwire is the key to grabbing market share.  Executed properly, a properly designed Tripwire allows one to enter a new market and take it over before your competition knows what hits them.

The trick to the tripwire is that once somebody buys anything from you, anything at any price, the relationship changes. You're no longer a guy "selling" to them. They are no longer a prospect being "sold."  They are your client and you are now "advising" them.  Once money has changed hands, the entire relationship changes.
Designing the Prescribd Tripwire
  •  Low Cost: The goal is to change the relationship from prospect to client
  • Low Risk: It's got to be like a no-brainer that doesn't require thought 
  • Sequential: The Tripwire needs to be essential to the core offer (e.g., Step 1 of a 3 Step System)
  •  Overdeliver: This is your chance to "WOW" them with something amazing
I've noticed that many intelligent people, myself included, tend to think that since we're really good at our area of specialization, we can apply our intelligence to everything else and we're instantly experts at everything.  That isn't usually the case.  So we try this and that "great idea" but the reality from my experience is that usually ends up just being an investment in education and insight after learning trying a bunch of stuff that doesn't really work while trying to re-invent the wheel from scratch.  

In the 45 second video below, Internet Marketer Russell Brunson explains his secrets and shortcut of how to be successful fast.
I've learned (in my old age) that regardless of my level of intelligence, the world doesn't care about how much effort I put in, how hard I try or how quickly I learn.  What the world cares about is getting the results that they need so if I want to become the best at something, trying to figure that out on my own doesn't make sense.  The simplest solution is to find someone who's doing something great that the world is already buying from and to model them.  The KEY here is to find something that's working and to model that.
Finding Someone Great (to Model)
So for a starting point for modeling, I wanted to find someone who had been successful taking offers off of Amazon and selling them in Facebook (my primary channel) as a front-end tripwire to a subscription continuity service.  I learned about an Internet marketer called Trey Lewellan who had built an e-commerce subscription business by introducing tripwires of products sold through Amazon.  I was somewhat skeptical but ultimately, since I was breaking new ground here, I needed to start somewhere, and based on the due diligence I performed, his funnel seemed like a good starting point.
Amazon Product
NGOA Tripwire Offer
Subscription Tripwire - High Level Discussion
Subscription Tripwire - Nuts and Bolts Discussion
To break the problem into more bite-sized pieces, I decided to focus the majority of my initial efforts on the Tripwire conversion process (Ad -> Lander -> Order Form).
NGOA Wolf Gun Oil Tripwire Funnel - High Level Overview
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Prescribed Tend Skin Tripwire Funnel
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Implementation Research
We spent approximately 11 hours doing background research on the condition (Ingrown Hairs, Razor Bumps, Hair Removal), reading existing product reviews (almost 3,000), watching YouTube videos, researching the offer, competition, demographic and cross-sell opportunities
Tripwire Category Research
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Tripwire Related Products 
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Audience & Demographics 
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YouTube & Product Usage
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Customer Review Research
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Product Usage Research
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Offer Strategy
We spent approximately 8 hours on strategy, analysis and formulation of the tripwire offer messaging and funnel flow.  
Lander to Order Form Funnel Flow
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Tripwire & Order Bump Offer
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OTO Upsell Options
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OTO One-Click Implementation
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Implementing the Funnel took us approximately 24 hours.  The majority of the work involved translating "what was in our head" from our strategy research into copy-writing, story lines, customer journeys and sales videos.  This funnel was built using Clickfunnels, so outside of some custom programming (further details below), the basic site implementation time was minimal (2-3 hours). 
v1.0 VSL 1: Intro Testimonial
v1.0 VSL 2: Usage Testimonial
v1.0 VSL 3: Usage Testimonial
v1.0 Lander Part 1
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v1.0 Lander Part 2
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v1.0 Lander Part 3
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v1.0 Lander Part 4
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Custom Programming
Although Clickfunnels is a wonderful tool, there was approximately 8 hours of custom programming (Javascript & Custom Events) to make the funnel do exactly what I wanted.  The custom scripting & programming implemented on this Funnel is highlighted below.
Funnel Tracking Codes
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Facebook Pixel Events
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Order Form Part 1
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Order Form Part 2
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Product Image Selector
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Shopping Cart OTO
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Feedback & Review
Prior to launching the funnel, I decided to implement a *crowd-sourced* review of it with some colleagues in the e-commerce space.  From my experience, when I am knee deep in something, it's very easy to miss something obvious (stuck in the trees while losing track of the forest).  To accomplish this, I posted the following in some the Facebook groups that I am active within:
Posted Video Creative
Luckily for me, the posting generated a considerable amount engagement, constructive feedback and discussion.  The screenshots of the actual comments & discussion points have been posted below given that the commentary and discussion is helpful for anyone who has read this far (means that you're really digging deep into this topic) as I believe that understanding the thought process is incredibly valuable.  Links to the original Facebook posts (and their corresponding comments) can also be found in the links below.
After reviewing and discussing all of the feedback, I incorporated a final version of changes and prepped the funnel for a Monday launch...
v1.1 Lander Part 1
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v1.1 Lander Part 2
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v1.1 Lander Part 3
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v1.1 Lander Part 4
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The Damage
I started working on this funnel on May 10, 2017 and tracked approximately 50 hours of work to get the initial version of the funnel launched. A detailed breakdown of the time spent on various tasks is outlined below:
Interestingly enough, I noticed that it has taken me almost 12 hours to review, document, analyze, diagram, format and write-up this blog post (though a good amount of the time was going through the history and cataloging & documenting my after-the-fact thought process). Perhaps I should put my writing aspirations on hold and stick to building and launching offers & funnels.
NEXT: Launch - Our First 1,000 Sessions
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